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Why the Triangle?

It’s a real neighborhood! People actually talk to each other, and help their neighbors. Click here to see a little about the history of the Triangle, and what we think are its assets.

We have a neighborhood association that actively works for the betterment of the Triangle. You can find on us Facebook, and often on Nextdoor. The Dayton View Triangle Federation stays in touch with the City government to make sure we are aware of any opportunities our community might be able to profit by. Click here to see all the information we make available to Triangle residents.

The houses are beautiful and well built, the streets are green. The Triangle was a suburb when it was built, and it still has that peaceful feel. Click here to see more photos of the neighborhood.

It’s SO convenient to downtown! Whether you want theater (or art or music or dance), baseball, or brewpubs, you can be there in 10 minutes AND find parking! If you’re new to Dayton, click here for some ideas of what the city has to offer.

Homes for Sale

When Dayton lost manufacturing jobs over the last 40 years, many Triangle homeowners struggled. The houses they had to leave are coming back on the market, usually renovated to modern standards while retaining original features like oak floors, deep moldings, or wrought iron. Originally built primarily in the 1920s-1940s these homes still retain their original historic charm! Check out sites like the two links below to see what’s available today. If you’re from a big city, you won’t believe what your dollars will get you!


Check out the neighborhood on

Check out the neighborhood on


You don’t have to go downtown. Most of the requirements for daily living are located conveniently nearby. Markets, drugstores, dry cleaners, a brand-new library, and private schools do exist!

Click here for a quick rundown of the local amenities and check out our businesses page for our neighborhood businesses!

At the heart of the Triangle is a 32 acre campus that used to house the United Theological Seminary, with grounds designed by the Olmsted brothers whose family designed New York City's Central Park. The Omega Baptist Church that now owns the property set up the Omega Community Development Corporation (OCDC) that has built a community center, called the Hope Center for Families, focusing on health (Dayton Children's), education (Mini University), and workforce development (Sinclair College). Omega has partnered with Miller Valentine Affordable Housing (MVAH) to bring the Omega Senior Lofts to the property. 

The area just across Salem Avenue from the Triangle has just lost a large hospital. Many possibilities have been discussed for this “anchor site” for the whole area. Take a look at the current ideas here to see what the consultants from The Phoenix Next Project and the area residents together are suggesting as appropriate uses. So far, the Dayton YMCA, Wright State University, and the Home Ownership Center will be joining Premeir health as they open new doctors' offices and an urgent care on the site.


Also, the Triangle faces the main artery running up from the river and downtown, Salem Avenue (aka the Peace Corridor). Click here to see what the Salem Avenue Peace Corridor organization is working with the City to bring about!


The Gem City Market co-op is just a couple of minutes down Salem Avenue as you head toward downtown. It's Dayton's first full service grocery store in downtown Dayton in decades. The market includes fresh meat and produce, a demonstration kitchen, a minute clinic, coffee shop, and community space.

Sites and Statistics

You May Want to Check Out To get a feel for what goes on in Dayton, check out these two sites. (There are more!)

As for nightlife, you may be surprised, but Dayton ranks high!


Census Data

You may be curious about assorted stats for the city and the Triangle. The City of
Dayton’s website has census data – unfortunately somewhat out of date and thus
misleading. Click here to see it anyway. The best sites for incredibly detailed stats is
based on even older census data – a mixture of 2013 and 2016 info.

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© 2019 by Dayton View Triangle Federation, Inc.

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